Reviewing medical alerts

You can indicate that you have reviewed a patient's medical alerts.

Note: Marking a patient's medical alerts as reviewed requires the "Medical Alerts Review, Add" security right.

To review a patient's medical alerts

Do one of the following:

While performing a medical history review in the Medical History Review dialog box, do the following:

Under Medical Alert Review, select one of the following options:

Not Reviewed - To specify that you have not reviewed the patient's medical alerts.

Reviewed Medical Alerts - To specify that you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts.

Reviewed and Attach Related Referral - To specify that you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts and to attach an inbound referral.

If the Reviewed and Attach Related Referral option is selected, click the search button ; otherwise, ignore the remaining steps.

The Select Referral Acts dialog box appears.

Note: To add, edit, and delete referrals in the patient's Family File record, click New.

Select a referral.

Click OK.

On the Medical Alerts tab of More Information, do the following:

Next to Last Alert Review, click the Add button  to view the menu.

Click one of the following options:

Reviewed Medical Alerts - To specify that you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts.

Reviewed and Attach Related Referral - To specify that you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts and to attach an inbound referral.

If you clicked Reviewed and Attach Related Referral, the Select Referral Acts dialog box appears; otherwise, ignore the remaining steps.

Note: To add, edit, and delete referrals in the patient's Family File record, click New.

Select a referral.

Click OK.

In the Medical Alerts dialog box, do the following:

Click the Medical Alert Review button to view the menu.

Click one of the following options:

Reviewed Medical Alerts - To specify that you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts.

Reviewed and Attach Related Referral - To specify that you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts and to attach an inbound referral.

If you clicked Reviewed and Attach Related Referral, the Select Referral Acts dialog box appears; otherwise, ignore the remaining steps.

Note: To add, edit, and delete referrals in the patient's Family File record, click New.

Select a referral.

Click OK.

Note: To view a history of medical alert reviews that were recorded for this patient, on the Medical Alert Review button menu, click View Medical Alert Review History. In the Medical Alert Review History dialog box that appears, you can do any of the following:

To add a review, click New. Adding a medical alert review requires the "Medical Alerts Review, Add" security right.

To edit a review, select it, and then click Edit. Editing a medical alert review requires the "Medical Alerts Review, Edit" security right.

To delete a review, select it, and then click Delete. Deleting a medical alert review requires the "Medical Alerts Review, Delete" security right.